
Showing posts from September, 2023
 PRIVACY POLICY: - Protecting your privacy is important to us. We hope the following statement will help you understand how 'Lykee Studio' deals with your information You may occasionally provide us via the Internet. - This privacy policy describes the information collected by us through our apps & how we use that information. - This privacy policy applies to all our products and services provided by us. Data Collection: - We don't collect your personal information when you visit or use our service. We collect only non-personal information like device model, os version, etc to continuously work to solve problems and bugs, to provide a smooth user experience, and to improve app performance. - Do not require users to register when they visit our app or use our app and service, we don't keep track of when you visit our page, even we don't have a server to store your personal information. - The only situation we may get access your personal information like email wh